Ng Yao Dong’s Project Portfolio Page
Project: StockPal
StockPal is a desktop inventory management application used for keeping track of your item stocks. The user interacts
with it using a Command Line Interface (CLI). It is written in Java, and has about 6k LoC.
Summary of Contributions
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Added storage ability of the list of products (Pull
Request #41)
- What it does: Allows data of the list of products to be automatically saved into a CSV file that the user can use
in Excel.
- Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user does not have to perform a separate
command to save and export the data that they entered into the application.
- Highlights: This enhancement requires an in-depth understanding of converting from normal data into a format
savable into CSV.
The implementation too was challenging as it required adjustments to the
and Writer
components for the
conversion of data into save file and vice versa.
- Credits: OpenCSV Library
- New Feature: Added storage ability of the list of transactions (Pull
Request #84)
- What it does: Allows data of the list of transactions to be automatically saved into a JSON file in the hard disk.
- Justification: This feature improves the functionality of the product for the user as the user will be able to
track their history of past transactions of their products.
- Highlights: This enhancement requires an in-depth understanding of the JSON file format to be able to convert from
data into JSON format and back.
- Credits: JSON-Java
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Setup of GitHub team organisation + repository
- Maintaining of the issue tracker
- Managed releases
- v2.1
(3 releases) on GitHub
- Updated
for GitHub pages website (Pull Request #98)
- Updated
for GitHub repository (Pull Request #168)
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Refactored code to reduce coupling between classes (Pull Request #50)
- Added code to ensure deletion of transactions when products are deleted (Pull Request #175)
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Added documentation for the features
saving data
and editing data file
and added message boxes and guide for using them. (Pull Request #85
- Did an overall check and improved on the styling of the User Guide. (Pull Request #98)
- Developer Guide:
- Added structure for DG, Architecture Diagram and Class Diagram for
component. (Pull Request #67)
- Added Table of Contents for the Developer Guide. (Pull Request #98)
- Added and edited Class diagrams for
, UI
, Data
classes, and user stories. (Pull Request #168)
- Community:
- Tools:
- Integrated third party libraries (OpenCSV, JSON-Java) to the project (Pull Requests #28, #84)